Derrick Soh
Managing Director
Derrick Soh
Advocate & Solicitor (Singapore)
Managing Director
+65 8897 3607
Derrick has an extensive experience in dispute resolution. His legal experience ranges from contractual disputes, building and construction claims, insurance claims, defamation claims, industrial and motor accidents, debt collection, corporate disputes and contested probate matters.
He is a firm believer in providing clients with timely and affordable access to legal representation.
Derrick is also well-versed in the following areas of practice:
Personal injury and property damage claims
Probate matters - Grant of Probate, Grant of Letters of Administration, Muslim Probate (Inheritance Certificate), Resealing of Grant (Overseas Probate)
Drafting of Wills and Power of Attorney
Certification of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
Adoption of Singaporean / foreign child
Divorce matters - variation, child-related issues, division of matrimonial assets, maintenance and personal protection order
Family offices
Reviewing and drafting of agreements - sale and purchase agreements, employment contracts and shareholder agreements
Derrick believes in giving back to the community. He is a volunteer lawyer with the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme (CLAS) and an assigned solicitor with the Legal Aid Bureau (LAB). He is fluent in English and Mandarin.
Notable Cases
1. PT Sandipala Arthaputra and others v STMicroelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and others [2018] SGCA 17: A landmark case where the Court of Appeal was clear that directors may be held personally liable for the consequences of the company’s breach of contract under these potential causes of action – (1) Tort of procurement of breach of contract (2) directors conspire to procure their company to breach its contract (3) director conspires with the company to cause the company to breach the contract.​
2. ASC Pte Ltd v ASD Pte Ltd [2015] SCAdjR 70; [2015] SGSOP 2: The Court had to determine whether the Adjudication Application was invalid due to discrepancies between the payment claim served on the Respondent and copy of payment claim enclosed with the said Application.
3. PP v Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited Pte Ltd: Successfully obtained a fine for the company who was charged under section 12(1) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act, Chapter 354A, Rev Ed 2009.
4. Successfully defended the claimant’s claim in bailment wherein the claimant believed that the lost cargo during transit was the fault of the client.
5.Successfully recover the outstanding berthing fees from members of a marina club.